
A Dictionary Of English Rhyming Slangs

This reference work addresses a long-standing need in the study of a class of
lexis which attracts attention from scholars and the general public alike.

Based on years of extensive research, the dictionary presents a satisfying collection of
the varieties of rhyming slang found in and around English-speaking
communities worldwide.

It covers all forms of rhyming slang in the anglophone
world by users from differing social groups and walks of life: criminals,
musicians, anglers, second-hand car dealers and sheep-shearers, among many

Besides ordinary lexical items, this work also lists nicknames and one-
off expressions found in culturally valued works, from the fields of literary
fiction, poetry, comics, TV and radio series, and films. Each entry is accompanied by chronologically ordered citations from a wide variety of sources (printed and otherwise) showing a word’s life and currency.

The scope, size and approach of this significant compilation, supported by a substantial
bibliography, make it an indispensable work of reference for anyone with an
interest in English slang and a key starting point for future research on the
origins, social history and development of this fascinating area of the English


  • Antonio Lillo, University of Alicante, Spain.
  • Terry Victor, Caerwent, UK.

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