

New IULMA Monograph: publication of the 6th IULMA Monograph, entitled “Language Learning in Study Abroad: Social, Cultural and Identity-Related Factors”.

From the Direction of IULMA Monographs we are pleased to inform about the recent publication of the 6th IULMA Monograph, entitled Language Learning in Study Abroad: Social, Cultural and Identity-Related Factors, signed by Professor and researcher Vasilica Mocanu-Florea from the University of Salamanca. More information on the website of the IULMA Monograph collection at Publicacions …

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New edition of the book by our IULMA-UA colleague, Francisco Yus: “The Discursive Construction of Place in the Digital Age”.

This collection calls for greater attention to the need for a clearer understanding of the role of discourse in the process of placemaking in the digital age and the increasing hybridisation of physical and virtual worlds. The volume outlines a new conceptualisation of place in the time of smartphones, whose technological and social affordances evoke …

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AESLA 2023 Rafael Monroy Prize awarded to the book by Francisco Yus: ” Smartphone Communication. Interactions in the App Ecosystem”.

This book offers a unique model for understanding the cognitive underpinnings, interactions and discursive effects of our evolving use of smartphones in everyday app-mediated communication, from text messages and GIFs to images, video and social media apps. Adopting a cyberpragmatics framework, grounded in cognitive pragmatics and relevance theory, it gives attention to how both the …

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A Dictionary Of English Rhyming Slangs

This reference work addresses a long-standing need in the study of a class oflexis which attracts attention from scholars and the general public alike. Based on years of extensive research, the dictionary presents a satisfying collection ofthe varieties of rhyming slang found in and around English-speakingcommunities worldwide. It covers all forms of rhyming slang in …

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LID Nougat Dictionary

The LID Nougat Dictionary is a terminological dictionary containing more than 500 alphabetically ordered entries, with Spanish as the starting point and basis for describing the terminology of the nougat industry. Nougat is one of the oldest and most traditional sweets in our country. Hence the need for a work that defines the terms used …

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Dictionary of Natural Stone and Related Industries Terms

(English-Spanish Enrique Alcaraz, Brian Hughes Cunningham, José Mateo Martínez, Chelo Vargas Sierra y Adelina Gómez González-Jover The Diccionario de Términos de la Piedra Natural (English-Spanish, Spanish-English) is the first in the series of DICTIONARIES OF INDUSTRIAL TERMINOLOGY by Editorial Ariel. This new series aims to contribute to the standardisation, with criteria of rigour and clarity, …

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