List of collaborating entities
Academic institutions
- Polytechnic University of Madrid
- Polytechnic University of Valencia
- University of Murcia
- Pompeu Fabra University
- Cervantes Virtual Centre
- Royal Spanish Academy
- Royal Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- AETER (Spanish Association of Terminology)
Business group
- Alicante Chamber of Commerce
- Castellón Chamber of Commerce
- COEPA (Business Confederation of the Province of Alicante)
- CEC (Confederation of Businessmen of Castellón)
- IMPIVA (Institute for Small and Medium Valencian Industry)
- INESCOP (Technological Institute of Footwear and Related Industries)
- AIJU (Technological Institute of Toys)
- AITEX (Technological Institute of Textile)
- ITC-AICE (Technological Institute of Ceramics)
- ALICER (Association for Industrial Ceramic Design)
- AIDIMA (Technological Institute for Furniture, Wood, Packaging and Allied Industries)
- AIMPLAS (Technological Institute of Plastics)
- AIDICO (Technological Institute of Construction)
Professional bodies
- Public Administration Institutions
- General Council of the Judiciary
- National Police and Local Police Corps
- Port Authorities
- AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardisation)
- Perpetuo Socorro Clinic
- Vistahermosa Clinic
- MEDIMAR International Hospital
- San Jaime Hospital
- Bar Association
- Association of Economists
- Medical Association
- Architects/Technical Architects Association
- College of Pharmacists
- Digital Workshop of the UA
- Tecnolíngüística S.A.