Digital genres: analysis of language production and reception – GENDIGIT
Francisca Antonia Suau Jiménez (Director), María Elena Baynat Monreal (Member), Rosa Ana Dolon Herrero (Member), María Lluïsa Gea Valor (Member), Diana González Pastor (Member), María Labarta Postigo (Member), Barry Pennock Speck (Member), Ferran Robles Sabater (Member), A. Patricia Bou Franch (Collaborator), Maria Vittoria Calvi (Collaborator), Cesáreo Calvo Rigual (Collaborator), Cesáreo Calvo Rigual (Collaborator), Cesáreo Calvo Rigual (Collaborator). Patricia Bou Franch (Contributor), Maria Vittoria Calvi (Contributor), Cesáreo Calvo Rigual (Contributor), Pascual Cantos Gómez (Contributor), Begoña Clavel Arroitia (Contributor), Miguel Fuster Márquez (Contributor), David Giménez Folques (Contributor), Patrick Goethals (Collaborator), Carmen Gregori Signes (Collaborator), Mercedes López Santiago (Collaborator), Giovanna Mapelli (Collaborator), Sergio Maruenda Bataller (Collaborator), Julia Sanmartín Saez (Collaborator), Chelo Vargas Sierra (Collaborator)
- Description of digital genres, linguistic and multimodal discourse analysis
- Design of databases and their analysis from corpus linguistics
- Description of the lexicon and phraseology of digital genres
- Contrastive linguistic analysis and its application to translation of digital genres
- Applications of digital genre characterisation to foreign language teaching
Lines of research
- Digital genres and discourse analysis. Characterisation and description of digital genres from different perspectives with emphasis on rhetorical functions, critical analysis, their discursive construction and their importance in different academic, professional and/or social disciplines.
- Multimodality. Simultaneous investigation of several non-linguistic semiotic codes, such as images and/or sounds. Multimodal analysis is of utmost importance if we want to successfully decode most types of discourse, both digital and analogue.
- Database design and corpus linguistics. Research into the design of large databases of digital genres and analysis of the exploitation of large corpora, often consisting of millions of words, using specific tools.
- Lexicology and phraseology. Exhaustive knowledge and analysis of the vocabulary and phraseology of specific Internet genres.
- Contrastive analysis and application to translation. Pragmatic analysis and extraction of discourse and lexical patterns that allow subsequent application to the pragmatic translation of quality digital genres.
- Teaching and learning foreign languages. Didactic exploration of the discursive genres of the Internet, their vocabulary, phraseology, grammar and pragmatics.