Name: LexESP
Balteiro Fernández, María Isabel (Director); Aleson Carbonell, María Amparo; Belda Medina, José Ramón; Campos Pardillos, Miguel Ángel; Calvo Ferrer, José Ramón; Martínez Motos, Raquel.
- The study of the English lexicon in all its aspects.
- The study, analysis and compilation of the lexicon of English in general and of specialised languages from different perspectives and levels: lexicological and lexicographical, morphological, semantic, stylistic, foreign language teaching, discourse analysis (textual genres) and genre.
- The contrastive study of the lexicon of English and other languages, especially Spanish.
Lines of research
- Word formation mechanisms of general and specific languages in English and Spanish.
- Teaching the lexicon of English as an L2 or as an LE.
- Lexicon and genre.
- Terminological resources and/or lexicographical repertoires (dictionaries, glossaries, etc.) and corpora of specific languages: elaboration and compilation, with special reference to tourism and leisure, ICTs, health sciences, sport and fashion.
- Interrelation between lexical selection and professional genres in specific languages.
- Cognitive and stylistic aspects of the lexicon of specialised languages.