IULMA Teaching and Research Team
Name | Surname | Department |
María Belén | Alvarado Ortega | Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Literature Theory |
Jordi M. | Antolí Martínez | Catalan Philology |
Manuel | Atienza Rodríguez | Philosophy of Law and International Law |
María Isabel | Balteiro Fernández | English Philology |
José Ramón | Belda Medina | English Philology |
Miguel Ángel | Campos Pardillos | English Philology |
Cristina | Carvalho | Integrated Philology |
José Luis | Cifuentes Honrubia | Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Literary Theory |
Nereida | Congost Maestre | English Philology |
María Isabel | Corbí Saez | Integrated Philology |
María Teresa | Del Olmo Ibáñez | Innovation and Didactic Training |
Daniel Emilio | Gallego Hernández | Translation and Interpreting |
Josep Vicent | García Sebastià | Catalan Philology |
Adelina | Gómez González-Jover | Translation and Interpreting |
María Isabel | Guardiola Savall | Catalan Philology |
Victoria | Guillén Nieto | English Philology |
Catalina | Iliescu Gheorghiu | Translation and Interpreting |
Antonio | Lillo Buades | English Philology |
Eva Maria | Llorens Simon | English Philology |
María Lourdes | López Ropero | English Philology |
Carlos Luis | Marcos Alba | Graphic Expression, Composition and Projects |
María del Carmen | Marimón Llorca | Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Literature Theory |
Tania Josephine | Martin | English Philology |
José Joaquín | Martínez Egido | Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Literature Theory |
María Dolores | Martínez Lirola | English Philology |
Joan de Déu | Martínez Llinares | Catalan Philology |
Caterina | Martínez Martínez | Catalan Philology |
Josep | Martínez Pérez | Catalan Philology |
Vicent | Martínez Pérez | Catalan Philology |
Antonia | Montes Fernández | Translation and Interpreting |
Sandra | Montserrat Buendia | Catalan Philology |
Giovanna Ángela | Mura | Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Literature Theory |
José Antonio | Padilla García | Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Literature Theory |
Susana | Pastor Cesteros | Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Literature Theory |
Juan Antonio | Pérez Lledó | Philosophy of Law and International Law |
Víctor Manuel | Pina Medina | English Philology |
Monserrat Josefa | Planelles Iváñez | Integrated Philology |
Alberto | Rodríguez Lifante | Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Literature Theory |
Leonor | Ruiz Gurillo | Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Theory of Literature |
José Antonio | Sánchez Fajardo | English Philology |
Elena | Sánchez López | Catalan Philology |
Yolanda de San Rafael | Sánchez Mateo | English Philology |
John Douglas | Sanderson Pastor | English Philology |
María Isabel | Santamaria Perez | Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Literature Theory |
José Miguel | Sempere Ortells | Biotechnology |
Elena | Serrano Bertos | Translation and Interpreting |
Ángeles | Sirvent Ramos | Integrated Philologies |
Jorge | Soto Almela | English Philology |
Larissa | Timofeeva Timofeev | Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Theory Of Literature |
Chelo | Vargas Sierra | English Philology |
Francisco Benigno | Yus Ramos | English Philology |
Universitat Jaume I de Castellón
Name | Surname | Department |
Begoña | Bellés Fortuño | |
Manuel | Bellmunt Serrano | English Studies |
Vicente | Beltrán Palanques | English Studies |
Anabel | Borja Albi | Translation and Communication |
Nuria | Edo Marzá | English Studies |
Montserrat | Esbrí Blasco | English Studies |
Pilar | Ezpeleta Piorno | Translation and Communication |
Isabel | García Izquierdo | Translation and Communication |
Carolina | Girón García | English Studies |
Marina | López Martínez | Translation and Communication |
Robert | Martínez Carrasco | Translation and Communication |
Ana Isabel | Martínez Hernández | Translation and Communication |
Vicente Francisco | Montalt Resurreccion | Translation and Communication |
Ana María | Muñoz Miquel | Translation and Communication |
Ignasi | Navarro Ferrando | English Studies |
María del Pilar | Ordóñez López | Translation and Communication |
Santiago | Posteguillo Gómez | English Studies |
María Luisa | Renau Renau | English Studies |
Manuel | Rodríguez Peñarroja | English Studies |
Francisco de Asís | Ros Bernal | Predepartmental Unit of Medicine |
María del Pilar | Safont Jordà | English Studies |
Patricia | Salazar Campillo | English Studies |
Antonio José | Silvestre López | English Studies |
Adrián | Pla Ángel | English Studies (Collaborating Staff) |
Laura Mercé | Moreno Serrano | English Studies (Collaborating Staff) |
Name | Surname | Department |
Andrea | Artusi | Dept. of French and Italian Philology |
Mª Elena | Baynat Monreal | Dept. of French and Italian Philology |
Lucía | Bellés Calvero | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Patricia | Bou Franch | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Ana Belén | Cabrejas Peñuelas | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Juan José | Calvo García de Leonardo | Dept. of English and German Philology. Honorary Professor. |
Cesáreo | Calvo Rigual | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Elena | Castellano Ortola | Dept. of English and German Language and Literature |
Enrique | Cerezo Herrero | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Begoña | Clavel Arroitia | Dept. of English and German Language and Literature |
Rosana | Dolón Herrero | Dept. of English and German Philology |
María del Cielo | Esteban Fonollosa | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Hang | Ferrer Mora | Dept. of English and German Language and Literature |
Miguel | Fuster Márquez | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Beatriz | Gallardo Pauls | Dept. of Language Theory and Communication Science |
Maria Lluïsa | Gea Valor | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Rosa | Giménez Moreno | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Diana | González Pastor | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Carmen | Gregori Signes | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Francisco Miguel | Ivorra Pérez | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Maria Eivor | Jorda Mathiasen | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Miguel Ángel | Jordán Enamorado | Dept. of English and German Philology |
María | Labarta Postigo | Dept. of English and German Studies |
Esther | Linares Bernabéu | Dept. of English and German Language and Literature |
Sara | Llopis Mestre | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Cecilia | López Roig | Dept. of English and German Language and Literature |
Belén | Lozano Sañudo | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Sergio | Maruenda Bataller | Dept. of English and German Studies |
Elvira | Montañés Brunet | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Barry | Pennock Speck | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Alicia | Ricart Vayá | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Ferran | Robles i Sabater | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Andreea | Rosca | Dept. of English and German Philology |
José | Santaemilia Ruiz | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Ana | Sevilla Pavón | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Francisca | Suau Jiménez | Dept. of English and German Language and Literature |
Isabel | Tello Fons | Dept. of English and German Philology |
Patricia | Palomino Manjón | External Collaborator |
M. Goretti | Zaragoza Ninet | Dept. of English and German Philology |