Enrique Alcaraz, Brian Hughes Cunningham, José Mateo Martínez, Chelo Vargas Sierra y Adelina Gómez González-Jover
The Diccionario de Términos de la Piedra Natural (English-Spanish, Spanish-English) is the first in the series of DICTIONARIES OF INDUSTRIAL TERMINOLOGY by Editorial Ariel. This new series aims to contribute to the standardisation, with criteria of rigour and clarity, of the lexicon of this industrial world. The vast majority of the lexical entries consist of four components, as can be seen in this example: foliation n: PETRO foliation; sheet arrangement -sheets- that some rocks show due to the orientation of minerals -mineral orientation-; usually called schistosity -schistosity- in schists, slatey cleavage -slaty cleavage- in slates and gneissic banding -gneissic banding- in gneiss à The concentration of minerals along bands causes a gneissic structure or foliation; V. cleavage; stratification; bedding; schistosity. (Exp: foliated rock (PETRO roca foliada), foliation parallel to bedding (GEOL foliación paralela a la stratificación)]. (a) translation of the terms, from the source language to the target language; (b) explanation, consisting of a short commentary clarifying the meaning of the term, its limits, its uses, etc.(c) the illustration or brief example preceded by the symbol à, which serves as a contextual orientation of the meaning; (d) the complementary, crossed or reciprocal references or cross-references, preceded by V. (see) in the first part or S. (see) in the second part, whose aim is to offer related words, which help to fix the meaning of the term and orient towards others linked to it. The goal of these four parameters is to fix the meaning of each term as well as possible. The methodology employed has been varied, with the following three moments standing out for their importance: (a) lexicographical research of the works carried out to date; (b) textual analysis with corpus methodology for the studies of lexical selections and the illustration of the terms by means of authentic sentences; (c) technical consultation with leading specialists in the world of natural stone (Department of Applied Petrology of the University of Alicante, Mármol de Alicante, Asociación de la Comunidad Valenciana, Centro Tecnológico del Mármol de Ceheguin, etc.); (d) technical consultation with leading specialists in the world of natural stone (Department of Applied Petrology of the University of Alicante, Mármol de Alicante, Asociación de la Comunidad Valenciana, Centro Tecnológico del Mármol de Ceheguin, etc.).). Editorial Ariel hopes that its Dictionary of Natural Stone Terms will facilitate the work of students and teachers of science and technology faculties, those of economics and translation, as well as that of all professionals in this innovative sector of the industry.