
Norms and Submission

1. The request for editing should be sent to the director of the collection [email protected] accompanied by:

a. a complete copy in Word version (2010 or later if possible) of the text to be edited adapted to the layout and style standards, stating the name of author/editor and affiliation. The same document shall also be sent in PDF format;

b. one copy in Word version without the name(s) of the author(s) and/or affiliation(s), and an identical copy in PDF version;

c. one document in two versions (one in Word and one in PDF), including the postal address, e-mail address and contact telephone number of the author(s);

d. a short introductory text about the author(s) and the volume (150 words).

2. The minimum length of the copy should be 150 pages. The contents must be original, the product of research and must not have been published before.

3. The Editorial Committee will report on the acceptance or rejection of the proposals received within two weeks from the day of receipt. Proposals submitted in August will be considered from 1 September.

4. From the moment the proposal is accepted, the external evaluation phase begins, carried out by two evaluators from the Scientific Committee who do not belong to IULMA. In case of divergence between these two evaluators, a third evaluator from IULMA will intervene.

5. The evaluation process will be anonymous (double blind). The communication of acceptance of the manuscript, its revision or non-acceptance by the scientific committee will include the reasons given as well as the opinions issued by the external experts.

6. The external evaluation process will take place approximately once a year, during the month of September. At the end of this process, the author or publisher will be informed whether or not the work has been accepted for publication. If so, the author or editor will be given a proposal for changes to the proposed text. These changes must be corrected within the period indicated.

7. After the delivery of the final version of the text, a short period of correction and adjustment to the typographical requirements of the edition will be made by the authors. Once this process has been completed, the ISBN application form will be filled in and it will be published in digital format by the Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de València.