

New publication of member from IULMA-Uniersitat d’Alacant: The Language of Harassment. Pragmatic Perspectives on Language as Evidence by Victoria Guillén-Nieto

This book focuses on how harassment is constructed through verbal and physical interactions between the perpetrator or group of perpetrators and the victim at a discourse level. More information here:  https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781793619075/The-Language-of-Harassment-Pragmatic-Perspectives-on-Language-as-Evidence

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Nueva publicación directora y miembros IULMA: Begoña Bellés y Lucía Bellés

«New Trends on Metadiscourse» An Analysis of Online and Textual Genres Nos complace anunciar que recientemente se ha publicado el libro «New Trends on Metadiscourse: An analysis of Online and Textual Genres» (Springer). El libro, editado por nuestra directora del IULMA Begoña Bellés Fortuño y otras dos integrantes del IULMA, Lucía Bellés-Calvera (sede IULMA Universitat …

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